Obstetrics Archives - The Woman's Group Tampa

Obstetrics Tampa; Take a Maternity Ward Virtual Tour

Enjoy a Virtual Tour of the St. Joseph’s Hospital South Maternity Ward The Woman’s Group Obstetrics delivers exclusively at the three St. Joseph’s Hospitals located in the Tampa area. The Woman’s Group physicians know our obstetrics patients and their families will enjoy the highest levels of service and professionalism at St. Joseph’s, when they need


Risks from Eating the Placenta

You may have heard many celebrities talking about eating their placenta after they give birth. While it may be a trendy thing to do, you need to seriously consider the risks involved. There are lots of claims that placentophagy (a fancier term for placenta eating) improves lactation, lifts mood, provides energy and wards off postpartum depression. Placentophagy


What is Gestational Diabetes?

November is Diabetes Awareness Month:  What is Gestational Diabetes?  At The Woman’s Group, we see patients with many different health backgrounds. Although many patients have been perfectly healthy before their pregnancy, unexpected challenges can arise even with the best planning. Gestational diabetes is one such condition that can occur, but it can also be managed