Dr. Madelyn Butler Speaks Out Against Amendment 2

Dr. Madelyn Butler speaks out against Amendment 2 in Florida, citing "It's a Trick" and offering her scientific oppinion to Floridians before the November vote.

Some of our patients may see a television commercial with one of our key physicians, Dr. Madelyn Butler, discussing her views on Amendment 2 in Florida.

These ads will continue to run between now and the November 4th vote on the Amendment, throughout Florida.

Though this is Dr. Butler’s personal opinion, The Woman’s Group is receiving phone calls, emails, and reviews online (both positive and negative) about her position.

Below you can find Dr. Butler’s personal statement regarding her position.

“In response to both concerns and support for my personal position on Amendment 2; as a compassionate community physician serving the Tampa area, it is my position that responsible healthcare for chronically ill patients involves prescribing scientifically proven treatments for disease or injury.  The Florida Medical Association and groups of former Supreme Court Justices are in agreement that Amendment 2 is bad for Florida.  I do not receive any payment for the ads or to express my views, and appreciate the right to voice my views to those who may be interested in my thoughts as a medical professional.  Additionally, I respect your individual right to have your own opinion.”

~ Dr. Madelyn Butler
For those interested in watching the television ad, you may view a YouTube version at this link: Dr. Madelyn Butler Opinion Ad 

For those interested in reading more about Dr. Butler’s thoughts on the subject, you may read her Op-Ed in the Orlando Sentinel below or go directly to the article HERE.

Additionally, there are many more views and opinions both for and against Amendment 2 online that can be researched and reviewed.

The Woman’s Group respects Dr. Butler’s right to share her opinion as a medical professional with the citizens of Florida. We also respect the rights of our patients to have their own opinions and form their own conclusions.

The Woman’s Group appreciates each of our patients, and is thankful for the understanding being shown to our practice as we respect the rights and opinions of each individual.

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