Dr. Madelyn Butler Named Role Model in Florida Medical Magazine


The Woman’s Group founder and physician, Dr. Madelyn Butler is named “The Role Model” by The Florida Medical Association, the FMA, in their Fall publication of the Florida Medical Magazine. (We couldn’t agree more!)

Dr. Butler’s leadership accomplishments include:

  • Following her heart to establish a mission and vision for the group that would result in an award-winning, all woman operated OBGYN and specialty services practice with a focus on women treating and helping women through every stage of their lives with compassion and excellence. Now nine months into its 20th year of service!
  • Hiring the brightest and best; The Woman’s Group has expanded into 4  Tampa locations, bringing on accomplished female physicians who embrace the mission and vision, are culturally diverse and speak many languages to serve the culturally diverse women of the Tampa area.
  • Sharing her values; providing support, direction, planning and leadership to the physicians in the group, as well as fostering a passion and appreciation for lofty goals, continuing education, and service to the community and the profession.

One of our outstanding physicians, Dr. Allison Polender, says this about Dr. Butler: “The physicians of The Woman’s Group unanimously support her original mission, vision, and practice values”!

While only seven out of our 25 talented physicians are pictured above, all of The Woman’s Group physicians are FMA members.

As an FMA past president herself, Madelyn Butler, M.D. is a contagious leader. TWG staff physician, Eva Crook, M.D., is currently the Secretary of the HCMA and Dr. Butler expects she will be an FMA president one day. Two additional TWG physicians are also FMA Physician Leadership Academy graduates.

Congratulations to Dr. Butler and to each of the fabulous women physicians of The Woman’s Group who share in this path of leadership, purpose, and service – to provide cutting edge healthcare to the women of Tampa in a compassionate way.

Physicians named from left to right in magazine photo:
Madelyn Butler, M.D., (Founder);
Judith Barriero, M.D., (Partner);
Pamela Twitty, M.D., (Partner);
Catherine Roush, M.D., (Partner);
Jennifer Sanchez-Russell, D.O., (Partner);
Carmen E. Peden, M.D., Ph.D, (Partner);
and Kathleen McElwaney, A.P.R.N., who has been with The Woman’s Group since its establishment in 1998.

Thanks to the FMA for another great publication this fall crediting the healthcare professionals who are dedicated to patient care and pursuing their fields of service with passion! Credits for imagery and substance of this post go to the FMA. Please take a moment and read the genuine article in their digital journal publication link here: http://flmedical.uberflip.com/h/i/460996277-florida-medical-magazine-fall-2018