A time of renewal; visions of future and growth
What medications are safe to take during your pregnancy?
The doctors at The Woman’s Group have compiled a list of medications that are safe to take during pregnancy. Unless your doctor has advised you to the contrary, you may use the medications on the following list for the conditions specified:
Our list opens in a .pdf document which you can view, download, save, and print for your convenience:
Open The Woman’s Group Approved Medication List for OB Patients Here
Pregnant and over 40?
You join the ranks of an ever-increasing number of women who are making a conscious choice to have a baby later in life. At The Woman’s Group, we are knowledgeable and experienced in the latest advances in medical care and technology aimed at increasing the probability of a safe and healthy pregnancy and birth experience. As such, you can rely on us for your care and for managing the risks associated with later-age pregnancies.
If you are having trouble conceiving, we can help. Learn more about Infertility.
Would you like to visualize the amazing process of conception to birth?
Follow this link: